The story of the life of Dr. George Tiller is one of confusion and tragedy. He devoted his life to the business of murdering babies, and apparently did so with an almost religious conviction. Finally, he was himself murdered, leaving behind a wife, four children, and ten grandchildren - who I am sure will miss their granddaddy very much.
Dr. Tiller has long been notorious as one of the few doctors in the country who will provide late term abortions. His clinic in Wichita, Kansas, “Women’s Health Care Services,” was one of only three in the nation that performed abortive procedures after the twenty-first week of a baby’s development. He has been picketed and harassed for decades; his office was bombed in 1985, and he was shot in both arms in 1993. In 1998, the FBI informed him that he was number 1 on the “violent anti-abortionists’ hit list.” Reportedly, he wore a ballistic vest habitually.
I think it is safe to say that Dr. Tiller had to be committed to what he was doing, or he would have stopped before now. I do not say that with admiration or respect; I say that as a statement of what appears to be fact.
According to his own account, Dr. Tiller originally planned to be a dermatologist. His father died unexpectedly in a plane crash, and Dr. Tiller assumed the task of closing his dad’s “huge family medicine practice.” While doing so, he of course came in contact with many of his father’s patients. It was there, he says, “The women in my father's practice for whom he did abortions educated me and taught me that abortion is about women's hopes, dreams, potential, the rest of their lives. Abortion is a matter of survival for women.” The day after he was shot, back in 1993, he returned to work with his arms still bandaged. “There was never any question in my mind that I was going back to work the next day. I belonged there and they were not going to separate me from my job and they were not going to separate me from my community. So I did go to work the next day, and we got everything done. People got taken care of, it took a long time. Arms hurt, bled a little bit, but so what? I am not going to be run over and I'm not going to run out. It's just that simple.”
Dr. Tiller’s family apparently supported him very strongly. He recounted one particular conversation: "My daughters came into my study. I was reading. And they said: 'Daddy, if not now, when? If not you, who? Who is going to stand up for women with unexpected and badly damaged babies?' I had the support of my family, and we were able to proceed ahead."

Dr. Tiller also appears to have been fairly religious. He was an active member of Reformed Lutheran Church, where he served as an usher. In fact, he was killed while passing out bulletins before the service began.
Dr. Tiller’s wife, Jeanne, recorded an album in 2005, entitled “Legacy of Love.” One of the songs she performs is “The Lord’s Prayer.”
THIS website (click the block letters to link) has a guestbook where people may leave condolences for the Tiller family. It is amazing how many of these are written from a religious standpoint: “Rest in the peace that he left the earth in God’s house.” “I am glad that George will be able to be with his savior.” “May his soul rest in peace and may God comfort you in your time of need.” “I know that God holds him in high regard and he is sitting at the throne right now.”
Yet God’s Word says something very different:
‘Cursed is the one who takes a bribe to slay an innocent person.’
-Deuteronomy 27:25
'There are six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood . . .'
-Proverbs 6:16,17
“You shall not murder.”
-Exodus 20:13
“Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.”
-Galatians 5:19-21
"If you are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. On their part He is blasphemed, but on your part He is glorified. But let none of you suffer as a murderer, a thief, an evildoer, or as a busybody in other peoples’ matters."
-1 Peter 4:14,15
" . . . You know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him."
-1 John 3:15
“But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”
-Revelation 21:8
'Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.'
-Revelation 22:14,15
The Bible makes it clear that God hates murder. In John 8:44, Jesus says that the devil, Satan, was a “murderer from the beginning.” In Jeremiah 2:34, the Lord continues a condemnation of Israel’s idolatries, saying, “Also on your skirts is found the blood of the lives of the poor innocents. I have not found it by secret search, but plainly on all these things.”
Apparently, Dr. Tiller himself estimated that he had performed more than 60,000 abortive procedures. Supposedly, there was a link on THIS site where one could hear Dr. Tiller himself say this. Interestingly, I have been unable to access this web page since the afternoon of Friday the 5th; if any of you are able to do so, please let me know.
The 60,000 figure is widely quoted, however, so we will accept it as accurate. If it is indeed true, then Dr. George Tiller is personally responsible for the murder of 60,000 babies.
I know that’s a big number, and hard to visualize abstractly. Think about it this way: If Dr. Tiller had killed one baby every single day of the year, he would have taken 164.384 years to reach 60,000. He would have needed to start in 1845, just nine years after the Battle of the Alamo. However, it appears that he did not begin performing abortions until 1970; so, he would have had to perform an average of 1,538 abortions each year for 39 years to reach his estimated number. If he worked 365 days a year (I’m sure he did not), then he averaged 4.21 abortions per day.
Some of these were “life of the mother” cases - in other words, kill the child so the mother can live. Some were based on sonogram data that the child would be severely deformed or would not develop “normally” - thus, kill the child so he/she would not suffer, go through life as a vegetable, etc. Some simply were based on the baby being inconvenient.
I do not know of any passage in the Bible that condones any of these as right or just. For those who would like a more detailed analysis of this subject, I recommend THIS article by Mr. Doug Phillips. You may also be interested in THIS article by the father of a very premature birth son (barely 24 weeks, 1 pound 4 ounces), who was constantly advised by medical personal to let the child die - but didn’t, because of what the Bible says.
The fact is, religion apart from Jesus Christ means nothing. That’s not my personal truth, or something I’ve derived, it’s what the Bible says. When man - sinful, fallen, depraved man - endeavors to make himself acceptable to God in a manner which God has decreed unacceptable, the result must be confusion.
I believe this is what we see in the life of Dr. George Tiller. I have said he was religious; based on what I have read on THIS site (which is strangely inaccessible) and THIS one (caution: very graphic, discretion is advised), his religion extended even to the abortive procedures he performed. Dr. Tiller apparently provided religious services for the murdered child after the abortion was complete, should the parents so request. In the second link I listed above, it is possible to see a picture of “Tess,” an aborted little girl, wrapped in swaddling clothes, with a rose and picture of “Jesus” nearby. The webpage of Dr. Tiller’s clinic is “TEMPORARILY OFFLINE,” but according to the inaccessible site I have referenced before, Dr. Tiller’s website had this advertisement:

And this:

The link for which I advised caution contains an account of one such “funeral.”
In addition, the inaccesible website has the following transcript from a 1996 video Dr. Tiller made (I have obtained the information by accessing my cache, which is the only way I can view the page):
“If you wish to see the baby, we call this an identification and separation encounter. About 2-3 hours after you deliver and after the twilight anesthesia has worn off, so that you will remember the process, we will bring the baby to you either at the bedside or we will go to our quiet room and we will bring the baby to you there. During this encounter we will describe to you what's right with your baby, we will identify what's wrong with your baby. You may hold the baby. We can take pictures of you and the family holding the baby, if you wish, and that is not an uncommon request. The identification/separation encounter may be very brief, five or ten minutes. It may even take less than that. Or the identification/separation encounter may involve 2 or 3 hours of bonding with the baby - the identification that this is your baby and you have had a delivery. We understand beyond a shadow of a doubt that the difficult part of this process is not the premature delivery of the stillborn. We understand that the easy part of this process is the premature delivery of the stillborn. The difficult part of the process is saying goodbye to the relationship that you have with your baby - saying goodbye to the hopes and the dreams that you have for this - you have placed this baby in your life someplace and you simply have to start the process of saying goodbye.
When you have finished your support - when you have finished your identification encounter you will separate from the baby by giving the baby to us and you will begin the process of saying goodbye on a long-term basis and you will begin your journey into growth, recuperation, recovery, and healing.”
Notice that Dr. George Tiller declares that he has just aborted a baby - not an “inviable blob of tissue,” or a “blastocyst,” or a “zygote” or an “embryo.” He himself said these were babies; therefore, the term “murderer” is most certainly appropriate.
And this is why I said in the beginning that I see Dr. George Tiller’s life as one of tragedy and confusion. It is evident that in spite of his religiosity, he did not know or understand what the Bible actually says. Instead, he made his own attempt at righteousness, even incorporating a weird, pseudo-religious affectation into the abortive processes he regularly performed.
But, y’all, the Bible makes it clear that there is only one way by which man may be saved, and that through Jesus Christ. Isaiah 64:6 makes it clear that all our righteousness - our attempts to gain favor with God - appear as filthy rags in God’s sight. It’s not an issue of how good or bad a person we are, or whether we gave our life to some socially accepted cause, or any other merit we could possibly attain. It’s not even about an intellectual, abstract realization that Jesus Christ may very well exist - see James 2:19.
It’s about humbling our hearts before the Lord, and crying out “God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Ultimately, it’s about Jesus Christ, who He isand what He has done in paying the penalty of our sins through His death on the cross, and the glory and honor He is due for the work He has accomplished.
I cannot believe that Dr. George Tiller was a Christian, because I cannot reconcile his actions with what I find in God’s Word. It appears to me that Dr. George Tiller’s life and behavior is indicative of the confusion that dominates our society. In direct contradiction to what the Bible says, it seems that many people apparently do think him a great “christian.” Mr. Doug Phillips wrote an article a few days ago, entitled “FOR WHOM SHALL WE MOURN?” He has since been BLASTED, even by people calling themselves “christians.” It is sickening to me that some people seem to think Mr. Phillips has committed a more grievous sin in speaking the truth, than Dr. Tiller committed in all the abortions he performed.
We are literally seeing evil being hailed as good, and good denounced as evil - and the Bible pronounces a curse on all such. This is why it is critical for us, as believers, to be diligently studying and applying God’s Word - so that we ourselves will have no part in confusion, or in the promulgation thereof.
Information from this article was obtained from:
WICHITA MEMORIAL (caution: graphic)
1 comment:
Very interesting, I did not know alot of what you shared here.
What a sick guy!
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