Sunday, July 26, 2009

Whoo-hoo! Remington ACR

I've been watching for this for some time now. Finally, Remington has released something definite regarding the Magpul/Bushmaster Masada/ACR.

Check this out: Remington's ACR Page

Apparently, it is to be released in 5.56, 6.8 SPC, and, glory be: 6.5x39, popularly known as the "Grendel."

There is a rumor on the internet that when released for public sales, the price will be somewhere $1,500. Time will tell if the ACR is indeed released to the general public, and if it will released - as Magpul originally planned - in 7.62x39.

At the risk of sounding very stage-drama-melodramatic, I quote the Remington website: "This changes everything . . ."


Anonymous said...

When they come out, you can get me one for my birthday. Then we can go shoot'n together.

Johnson said...

Wow. Dream on ; ).

Stephen said...

I really wish Magpul only had produced it. It probably would be quite a bit cheaper.