Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hints to Young Men: Choice of a Wife

"Young gentlemen, a word of advice to you in the choice of a wife. Don't allow yourself to be deceived and fascinated by a gay, dashing young lady, fond of company, extravagant, vain, artistical and showy in dress. It is a not a doll or coquette you want for a partner. Choose rather one of those retiring, modest, sensible, neat young ladies, who have learned to deny themselves, and possess a decided mind, and have acquainted themselves with the domestic affairs of a family."

From our latest book acquisition, a charming little volume entitled, "Cyclopedia and Compendium: Useful Knowledge". This ancient tome is sadly without a date of publication, but is apparently from the days when ladies were ladies, men were men, and both were expected to behave as such. Pretty good advice, actually - slipped in right along with the dictionary of the English language, dictionary of nautical terms, advice on how to conduct public meetings, cures for household ailments, a listing of all counties in the state of Alabama, etc., etc., under the quaint chapter heading, "Hints to Young Men." They don't write books like this any more . . .

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